Episode Title:
The Aces.
Episode Description:
Ishigaki launches Midosuji ahead before the turn, and be almost crashing he increases his lead to four seconds. Shinkai and Imazumi launch their aces ahead at 1000 meters. The two remember the previous year and accelerate determine to give each other the best race possible. They overcome the four second gap before Midosuji accelerates with 700 km to the finish line. The fans think the way Midosuji races is gross but realizes he will be difficult to overcome with that monstrous aura. Kinjou realizes Midosuji has destroyed almost all his skin so he can ride precariously. Kinjou proclaims this could be a problem, but Fukutomi declares he doesn't care, that he will beat them both. 300 meters remain to the finish line, and an all out sprint between the three aces is just beginning as the episode ends.