Episode Title:
The Path of Justice Leads to Light.
Episode Description:
The Church has its annual bazaar, and Teito, Mikage, and the sisters visit the bishops' shops. Labrador has a candy flower shop which has always been popular, because it is healthy and delicious. Castor has a clothes shop, though the clothes were originally for his dolls. Frau has a meats shop. Teito and Mikage try out his meat, but don't find it very nice once they find out what it's made of. Teito feels like Mikage is hiding something from him. At the entrance of the Church, Mikage helps a girl who has the Kor marking. Before Mikage can take the girl to the bishops, the girl becomes a Kor and attacks him. Teito comes to Mikage's rescue, but when the Kor captures Mikage and is about to kill him, The Eye of Mikhail activates, blinding the Kor. Frau comes and defeats the Kor while Teito becomes unconscious. When Teito wakes up, he and Mikage talk while the bishops watch them.